People have had allergies for generations, my MIL if she was alive
now would be 109, allergic to dairy products, DH who is 67 is allergic
to milk, is able to eat one egg a week. Youngest daughter is allergic to
more dairy products than
either of her father or grandmother. Plus can not drink wine.

Now I have always been fine could eat anything,
suddenly I am allergic to white flour
only in the UK, we have found out this is because of the additives
that are in white bread but not brown bread, this was started during the
war when we were on rations for many years.  One problem we have
here is that if an additive to a product is below a certain percentage
of the product being sold the producer of the product does not have
to put this on the packaging.  I recall a young teenager a couple
of years ago went to the EU court to change this rule that all
additives should be on the packaging.

DH suddenly found he had a severe allergy problem, had to take an
epipen sp around with him all the time, his whole body would swell
up, throat, lips face.  We had not a clue the cause. I had to argue
with our doctor to allow my DH to have an allergy test, we were
told not on the National Health, even privately which we did in
the end was against our doctors wishes, we then found out that DH
was allergic to one of his heart tablets, he came off this tablet,
but  was told  he had to wait six months to see the heart specialist, 2 days
later DH got a phone call to stop taking another heart tablet made by
Bayer, seems 51 people in the States have died taking this particular
tablet, 1100 are taking  Bayer to court in the states.  Three days after
coming off both tablets DH had a severe heart attack. On the way to
DH died as was brought back by the paramedics,
this was on the way to Reading, the poor ambulance driver felt sorry
for him as he kept being told different hospitals to take DH to.
We asked DH what it was like in heaven, he said that  it
was the harp lessons, could not take to them.  DH has now two blocked
arteries that meant the base of his heart is dead so has learnt to
live on half power.  If only the doctors in this country would allow
patients or suggest rather patients have allergy tests.  Also it was
over 8 weeks for an angigram sp told it would be another six months
to get treatment, has another heart attack three months later.  He
is too old to have a new heart.

I took my grandson to a Thai restaurant this week.  He had never had
Thai food before, all I have got since we have been back home when can we
take granddad to the Thai restaurant.  I asked him if he would go
to MacDonald's, no I prefer Thai food.

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