We live in northern BC and the moose whistles really work well. WE have had
one deer bounce off our car since getting one but the deer was not hurt.

Moose really can move quickly and although they look ungainly they are
amazingly agile. Often on our bush walks we have seen them and they do move
beautifully. We had a part border collie dog and he loved to *herd*
anything. On one bush walk in the winter he kindly herded a moose for me. As
the trail was too narrow for both of us, I dove into the snow bank and
stayed behind a tree while the huge moose went past like an out of control
freight train.

Now, I have a lab who watches moose and bears but doesn't move a muscle. You
just have to look in her line of vision to see what is so interesting. She
has even seen wolves and totally ignores them when we have been yipped and
howled at. I insisted that we leave rather quickly and re-directed our walks
for quite sometime after that.

Darlene Mulholland

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