A huge thank you to my Secret Pal,
What a wonderful surprise parcel.  The calendar and the souvenir book of Las
Vegas are very special and are a really lovely reminder of the nice side of
our stay in Las Vegas. It is an amazing place. My son enjoyed the lollipop -
we'ed not seen one quite like it before, needless to say it didn't last
I just love the writing set, itis such a pretty design - shall use it
tonight to write to my cousin who I have recently discovered and will meet
for the first time in about two weeks time. As for the really cute squirel -
well he is hanging onto the side of a plant pot in my lounge so I can keep
an eye on him, we know what mischief they can get up to after our trip to

Hope that you all had a wonderful time at your daughters wedding. I'm really
looking forward to next months revelations! Thank you for being such a
special secret pal.

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