> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 23:51:20 -0500
> From: "Tamara P. Duvall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Because being "anti" (again, anti *anything*) is restricted

It's often used as an accusation here.  For example, people who are
anti-Bush are being labelled by some as being anti-American. People who are
anti-Iraq war are often accused of being pro-Saddam.  And yet it's perfectly
possible to be opposed to the war, but also opposed to Saddam, to be opposed
to Bush's policies, but a supporter of America.  A poll published in the
Guardian today shows that 62% of Britons think America is generally a force
for good in the world, whereas only 43% are in favour of Bush's visit (36%
oppose it).

It's this sloppy, invalid either/or in public discussion that really annoys

> Both NYTimes and the Wash.Post *report the facts*... Because of our
> *personal* bias, my DH takes *the same reports* as being anti-Palestine
> (and sides with Palestine, as a result), and I take them to be
> anti-Israel

That's the nub of it.  It's very difficult for any of us to judge things
objectively.  But if something is perceived by both sides as being
anti-them, it's probably got it more or less right.

> But, *Argentina* for Jews to settle in?!?!?!? Have you lost your
> cotton-picking mind

My statement was merely a rueful comment that things would have been simpler
now if the Zionists had chosen Argentina.  I didn't mean that that was the
most appropriate place for them to go.  I was surprised that they even
considered a homeland anywhere other than Palestine.  The fact that, with
hindsight, it would have been less trouble if they had settled in Argentina
doesn't mean that's where they *should* have gone. I would support the state
of Israel within the boundaries they were originally given, though like you,
I disapprove of their occupation of other land.  (But then, who am I, a
child of the British Empire, to disapprove of anyone else's expansionism?

Annette, London

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