Hi All,  I just finished "Crewel World", Monica Ferris' first book.  With
the recommendations on chat I'd bought one in Ithaca, then Sumac lent me two
and I ordered "Crewel World" with my last order of gifts from Barnes & Noble
(had to get it over $25. for free shipping <G>).
I usually just read with breakfast and was plodding through a book
but Monica Ferris started calling to me...I picked it up on Friday and
finished it this morning - Very Good!!

Sumac liked them and my MIL (whose taste I'm very familiar with) also.  So
they and all the lace chatters are right, they're really good mysteries.
The needlework part is so familiar even though they're not making lace.
Obsessed needleworkers are all the same <G>.  And the characters have some
depth to them.  That's not so common these days.  So for any newbies or
those of you who have not gotten any of her books here's another reminder!

Jane in Vermont, USA where it's been in the 40sF for the last few days -
positively balmy <VBG>.

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