I am in a quandary and who to turn to but the trusty
folks of lace chat. My FIL had a stroke in May that
affected his left side so that he is not able to walk
or talk. The nursing home that he is in has been 
administering enough drugs to keep him in a stupor all
day long. We are wondering if the drugs are really 
necessary or if it's just easier to deal with the 
"inmates" if they are kept docile and in bed.
    If there's someone with a medical or pharmaceutical
background who wouldn't mind explaining some things in
layman's terms, I'd appreciate it. We are too far from
the action to be kept informed, but it seems as if 
something's not quite right and I'd like to either
put my mind at ease, or know what kinds of questions I
ought to ask to see that he is cared for properly.
So if some kind sould would e-mail me, I'd appreciate it.
Sharon Briggs

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