At 07:23 PM 1/24/04 -0800, Bev Walker wrote:

>Does anyone have a closet where the rods hang out from the wall and your
>clothes therefore face you (or, less likely, face the  the 5
>red shirts observation...<g>)?

The closet under the stairs in my sister's house has rods running from the
back to the front, in order to take advantage of the full width of the
staircase.  She hangs her clothes -- at least those near enough the front
that I've seen them! -- facing the front.  

It's a very old house -- rumor has it that it began life as a log cabin --
and all the closets are retrofit.  And very hard to get into; it was only in
the last few decades that people thought of putting wide doors on closets.
First one I saw was in our first apartment in the mid-sixties.  It had the
usual narrow-door closets in the bedroom, but in order to soundproof the
wall between our apartment and the next one, there was a closet the full
length of the hall that ran along the common wall, and the long closet had
accordion doors instead of a wall.  That closet was the *handiest* thing!  I
didn't have stash to store yet, but I'd hang freshly-ironed shirts in it,
then move one per day to the bedroom closet -- since there was always the
same number of shirts in his closet, he didn't get antsy when it was almost
wash day.

Joy Beeson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the snow still looks fresh on the lawn.

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