> What do you put on pancakes and waffles? Jam? Corn syrup?
Maple syrup is available in England - and the best always seemed to come
from Canada. Before I discovered maple syrup, I would have used Golden syrup
( a cane sugar derivative) on  Scotch pancakes (i.e. small, but thick
pancakes, similar to those served here in Chicago at breakfast time) or
possibly jam (jelly to Americans! ). Jelly to English people is either
Jell-O or strained preserves so there are no pips or skins etc in the
preserve. (Have I confused y'all?!)

Chocolate sauce and whipped cream are also good on waffles.

Mercifully (at least as far as I am concerned) corn syrup is not much used
in the UK. I have still not developed a taste for it and even go so far as
to read ingredient labels to check that corn syrup is not included.

(An Englishwoman enjoying life in Chicago, as long as she can avoid corn

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