More beginner's questions:  what are Secret Pals?


On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 09:15:25AM -0700, Shirlee Hill wrote:
> Debbie Mouzon was my Secret Pal!
> Thank you, Debbie, for being such a great pal!  Looks like we have quite a few 
> things in common other than lacing.  I, too, am 50 years old, married (28 years 
> instead of 29, though), & have two children!  My husband & I used to live in Florida 
> & both of our children were born there (St. Petersburg).  
> How lucky for you to have lived in England for 6 years!  John (DH) & I are planning 
> a trip there this fall ... our first visit!  Guess what I'll be brining home in my 
> extra suitcase?  Lol!
> Thank you so much for the lovely spangles, the beautiful bobbin, & of course the bit 
> of beachfront property   : )   
> Do contact me via email if you'd like & let's keep in touch!  
> Thank you again for being such a great Secret Pal!
> Shirlee
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