Last Saturday (i.e. the one before yesterday - I'm never sure what
"last" and "next" mean in English) I went to the Freeway Lace Guild
Meeting.  I had lots of fun - thanks for everyone who was there and is
on arachne!  I started a bookmark, and spent exactly all of my money on
a new pillow, tools and colored thread - fortunately one merciful sould
gave all my new stuff a ride so that I didn't have to bike home for half
an hour with two pillows hanging from my back <g>.  
I got to see other people's work, pretty bobbins and such - also I now
know what tatting looks like.  And one lady did the most amazing thing
with her lace pillow - she needed the bobbins for something else, so she
unwound the thread from *38 pairs* of bobbins in the middle of making a
lace piece with them, and just left all of the thread there by itself.
It looked very scary...  I was too busy running around and
trying to look at everything at once to do much work, but I got started
on a bookmark and learned lots of new styles of spiders. Meeting other 
lacemakers was great!  I'm really looking forward to meeting other
lacemakers in Alaska and Sunnyvale in the summer. 


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