> If anyone wants to see the house that we are going to live in for the next
> phase of our lives, you can go to : <http://oruvilla.ee/eng/index.html>
> DH is wearing a blue shirt in the 3rd photo on the History page. A few 
> things
> that appeal to us about living in Estonia, are the simpler lifestyle, more
> exercise & less driving, healthier food & less candy & junk food, & no
> mortgage to pay off!! We think that we are very lucky to have this adventure
> ahead of us. The boys don't like the idea of moving but they'll adjust in 
> time.

That sounds great!  I like the US a lot, but I do wish I could live is
some more "foreign" country - the US is pretty similar to Poland other
than details (like much more money <g>), and I bet Estonia is more
different despite being much closer. 
How old are your boys?  I remember when I was in primary school my dad
got an offer to go to an African village with his family for 3 years to
teach English, and I thought it was the greatest idea ever!
Unfortunately we didn't go.  

I hope you enjoy the new phase of your life!


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