> "Louise Hume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > only the male mosquitoes sing, to attract the females.
> >So... if you hear a mosquito "singing", it is a male and will not bite.
> I have read this, too, but apparently the mosquitoes in Michigan haven't.
> I don't know if male and female mosquitoes have a different pitch, but I
> can definitely hear the ones that bite me.  Then again, perhaps this is a
> "species" thing, with some mosquiteo species quiet and other ones "buzzy".

I've also heard the female-biting thing, but I've definitely had some
buzzing ones bite me.  I think maybe only females bite in the large
mosquito species and all of them bite in the small one?  That is
assuming those are different species at all.  

> >Louise in Central Virginia,  where we have had so much rain in the past
> >month that the mozzies rise up in clouds when one walks across the lawn.

Ouch.  Living in the desert has advantages.


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