I too got eaten alive whenever I went on holiday to warmer climes(as the
weather here in UK is not usually warm enough for mosquitoes).  While on
holiday in Turkey nursing several nasty bites from you know who, a Turkish
lady doctor who we just happened to meet gave me this cure that I have used
ever since.

For two weeks prior to your holiday and also for the duration of your
holiday take two vitamin B compound tablets per day, apparently this does
something to your pores and when the nasties taste it they dont like it and
go and annoy someone else.  I was somewhat sceptical but thought what can I
lose (only the price of the vitamin B compound tablets) so my next holiday I
took her advice,
MAGIC -  I did not get bitten once but occasionally saw small pinpricks
where I guess they had tasted and did not stay to feed.
So if they annoy you why not give it a try,  of all the people I have told
80% of them said it worked for them too.

By the way congratulations Noelene on your poetry book, hope we will be able
to get it in the UK.

Happy Lacing
Sue M Harvey
UK (where it is unusually hot today, hope it does'nt bring them out as I do
not have any Vitamin B Compound at present).

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