At one time, at least tne of the parks in London had a cardboard city where
the homeless had erected cardboard shelters - woe betide anyone who tried to
use a shelter belonging to someone else. I think they've all now been
cleared out, and at least some of the parks are locked at night. We see
pictures of the homeless sleeping in shop doorways on main roads, presumably
because it's safer to be in full view than tucked away in a park. Don't know
what the attitude of the police is to them, not having lived in London for
nearly 40 years.

Where do they proprose to wash? Presumably in public toilets - good luck to
them - I wouldn't. They'll need good street maps to show the location of
them. In Poole (and I think this is a case in a lot of towns), public
toilets have been closed because of the filthy state they get in, drug abuse
in them and vandalism. Larger stores have toilets for public use, but I
don't think they'd be too happy to have vagrants using them to have a strip

Presumably they intend to eat more than just bread - I don't know how long
it takes to develop scurvy if you don't get enough vitamin C.

I'm sure there a lot of things that they haven't thought of.

Jean in Poole

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