Patricia in Wales wrote:
>Jenny Barron wrote "once I had invested in a pair of reading glasses..." 
>At my last eye test a lovely optician told me simply to remove my
>(distance) glasses for close work as I would see it much better.  She is
>quite right.  This does not further damage already poor eyesight, at
>least in my case.

I have been very short-sighted all my life, but am now having the usual
aging problem of not being able to see close-by as well!! Unfortunately,
they don't cancel each other :-)
I need fairly strong glasses for driving, so they tend to be too strong
for close work. I had a special reading strenght pair made which cost me
another $300 plus, and it only pasted for about a year. Since my normal
glasses already cost in the $400-500, I thought "b... this!", and went and
bought myself a pair of those cheap reading glasses at the chemist! They
work perfectly well. I may look a bit funny with 2 pairs of glasses on,
but who cares? Think of all the bobbins I can buy with the saved $280...

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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