
My lacemaking family began with my aunty Barbara who taught herself from books
and makes the most perfect lace and is an inspiration to us all !!

About 15 or so years ago when my sister Alison was on holiday with her she
taught her to make lace. This proved a bit tricky when she came home and many
a lesson were taught over the phone. Very expensive !!

My sister then looked up a local group which was Isleworth Lacemakers taught
by Julie Nicholls and joined after  while on the waiting list.

Alison then taught my daughter Beverley who was about 11 at the time. Beverley
made lace for about a year but as she can not sit in one place for more than
ten minutes this was not too successful.

Alison then suggested that I learn using Beverley's equipment so that is how I
started making lace 11 years ago. I also joined Isleworth Lacemakers.

About 6 months later Mum decided if they can do it so can I so she started as
well !!

Anne Nicholas

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