Lynne wrote:
>We have had to block our house phone from phoning mobiles since our last
>bill. DD2 was calling her friends - only for a few seconds each time
>she was out of credit on her mobile) but the accrued total of minimum
>charges was frightening.

I sympathize with you, Lynne! I have always wondered by which logic
various Telecoms around the world have decided that people on normal
phones ringing a mobile had to pay extra!! After all, it's not my fault if
someone I need to talk to prefers to own a mobile rather than a normal
phone!! Why should I pay for his/her choice? And you can get really stung
by trade people transferring their calls to a mobile without warning you!
My parents in France got an enormous phone bill because they had to
arrange repairs on a house in a different part of the country from where
they live usually. They had to do it by phone, and didn't realize that
every time they rang the guy's phone number, they were transferred to his
mobile! And 80% of the time he wasn't there even to answer his mobile, but
my parents had to pay for the connection!! Why don't we all revolt against
that practice?

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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