Brenda wrote:
>I picked this up from someone in Canada on a family history discussion 
>group, but would apply to lacemakers too.
>Unfortunately a couple of Secret pal packages have gone astray this 
>round.  I believe they all had some sort of return address on, but 
>without one it is even less traceable.

ALL the parcels I've received in Melbourne for the last 6 months or so
have been opened by Customs, even though they all had sender's ID at the
back, and whether they were flat (magazines) or parcel shaped! The repair
job on the wrapping was appalling and pretty useless.
 I also received 2 letters from my father (at different times), which had
been roughly open at the top, enough for someone to check whether the
letter contained banknotes or not. They didn't, but they did contain
stamps and newspaper articles, and I don't know whether anything did fall
out of them, as Dad couldn't remember what stamps and articles he had
sent. I sent one of the envelopes to the Postmaster General with a
complaint, but haven't heard anything at all. I think some employees are
taking advantage of the "reign of terror" to see if there is anything for
them to snatch!!
I used to be very happy with our postal services, but am rapidly revising
my opinion.

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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