Dear Friends,

What's "junket"?

I make junket a couple of times a year. You use a Junket tablet, which is really flavoured rennet (the enzyme from stomachs which curdles milk. It's just scrumptious, but if you didn't have it as a child you might not like it now.
The tablets are still freely available here in Australia.
Rennet is of course also used in the manufacture of cheese.
David in Ballarat

How does it relate to the verb "to junket" - as in "they've all gone out
junketing", meaning "merry-making"?

Linda Walton,
(full of curiosity,
in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K.).

> But - after all that, does anyone out there still make junket?   I loved
> when I was a child, and made it for my children until they - and my
> husband - decided that there was no way they were eating it, as they all
> loathed it so much!   So - over the past umpteen years, junket has
> a memory, as there didn't seem much point in making it just for me ...
> Carol - in Suffolk, UK - still thinking of trifles and junket!

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