At 11:19 AM 11/18/04 +1100, Elizabeth Ligeti wrote:

>I found that most of the foods in the United States were SO sweet - loaded 
>with sugar, - even Allbran, plain cornflakes, - and bread. - Try having a 
>vegemite sandwich on sweet bread!!!!!!!! Yuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I grew up on it, and all that sugar in stuff that isn't supposed to be sweet
turns my stomach.  I had a long acrimony recently with a fellow who just
couldn't believe I didn't like sugary chili!  (Sugar is particularly nasty
when combined with tomato.)  

Even toothpaste is sweetened, and I can't rinse the taste out of my mouth.  

I do a lot of my shopping at the health-food store.  

Joy Beeson (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where it's rainy with patches of fog and, at 60F, warm for so late in the fall. 

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