Since most of my other VN desert recipes are for sweet
soups, I'll just pass on the following.

Chinese Almond Jello

1/4 ounce agar-agar        3/4 cup evaporated milk
6 cups water               1 tablespoon almond extract
1 cup sugar                1 1-pound can fruit

Lightly rinse the agar-agar, then place in saucepan. 
Add 6 cups water and soak for 30 minutes.  Heat until
agar-agar dissolves.  Add sugar and bring to boil. 
Add milk and almond extract.  Turn off heat.  Pour
into serving bowl or small bowls.  Cool and
refrigerate until set.  Add desired fruit before

In recent years, agar-agar has become availabe in
small packets, resembling gelatin.  Because of the
ease and availability of using the new packets, I now
use them.

The agar-agar packets can also be used to make
flavored jello-type desserts.  We tend to use more
concentrated mixtures of the agar-agar in order to
create firmer jello that can be cut into cubes.  Our
family enjoys a variety of flavors, including coffee
and fruit flavors.

in chilly Cherry Valley, Illinois, USA

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