Hi Everyone,
I can recommend a very good book on the history, folklore and origins of the
Christmas tree:
"The Solstice Evergreen" by Sheryl Ann Karas
ISBN 0-944031-26-9 published 1991 by Aslan Publishing, CA
It leads you through various patterns of behaviour which been handed down
over the years through legend and tradition, but it isn't at all boring to
read, it's fun and is really interesting. It finishes off with Hans
Christian Andersen's fairytale, "The Fir Tree", and it's famous motto,
"Past! Past! Had I but rejoiced when I could have done so! Past! Past!
Hans Christian Andersen was born 1805 and there will be big celebrations all
next year in Denmark, to mark the 200 year anniversary of his birth.
All the best and keep bobbin' along from Avril
And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers........

Avril Bayne

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