Hi All,  When I was in my late 20s my sister gave me some beautiful bright
green knitted mittens with bright embroidery on them.  They had a wide cuff
and were so big I couldn't stick them in the pocket of my coat.  I didn't
want to lose them so I put them on a string!  Besides not losing them
another convenience was that when I came inside I could throw my hands down
and they'd both fall off.  Very like the ice hockey players when they throw
down their gloves to get in a fight <G>.

I am also a big fan of mittens because of being able to double up on hand
protection.  It gets that cold here too!  Single digits Fahreneit is when I
go for two layers, I think.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we're having the big Christmas celebration
tomorrow.  I'll be writing more after that!

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