Moved to Chat because my reply has nothing to do with showing off lace:

>  In fact, in New York, it is not  
>  uncommon for people to dress entirely in black such that you 
>  sometimes feel that you have stumbled into a mime convention.

When we were in Sydney, I often wondered what was Australian and what was
new to me because I'm not accustomed to big cities and fancy hotels.  But it
never occurred to me that the all-black office workers were anything other
than Australian -- it made so much sense in the climate -- where in New
York, people might wear black when they aren't being severely formal.  

The same custom prevails -- or used to -- in Hawaii.   At least another
malihini once told me that a tailor had told her he couldn't make a suit
from the fabric she had brought him because it wasn't black.  Since I hung
out in the Kula, I never saw anybody dressed formally while I was there.  

Joy Beeson 
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where there's no snow, but plenty of cold and wind.

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