Hi All,  Happily one more person entered the raffle today (for a
total of 17 <G>).  I have a very, very part time job and have spent
most of today trying to finish it up so I'd spaced out on the raffle.
Needless to say it is a delightful break from typing up the minutes
of the local School Board Meeting!

So the winners are - Ta Da!!!!!!

Bev from Sooke
Pauline from Somerset SW England
Penny Ostler Williams

Congratulations to all you lucky winners!!  I don't think this is
what Devon means about wearing lace but maybe you'll meet
some arachnologists!  Bev and Pauline please send me your
snail mail addresses, I have Penny's.  I will get these in the mail
on Monday!

Thanks for all the fun!  I'm sorry I don't have 14 more pairs!  I
have another raffle for everybody that I'll get started when I get
a chance.

Jane in Vermont, USA where it is snowing!  Looks very pretty
since I don't have to go out today <G>.

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