Dear Alice,

Absolutely, without a doubt! Lacemakers always have a good time together and that is a PR plus. Imagine the impression of a quiet group, toiling away, not responding to bystanders would make. We enjoy lacemaking and it should show. We enjoy talking to the public and that makes it a very postive experience for the public. As members of a large organization, just being there speaks volumes about lace as a living, breathing art and craft. Mark down your hours. It's some of the best demo time there is.



At 08:10 AM 3/30/2005, you wrote:
I had a stray thought that I want to toss out to you.

Does the time spent making lace in the public lobby of a hotel count as demo time in our guild log book?

What do you think?

Alice in Oregon -- where the sun peeked through for a few minutes but more rain is coming.
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