Hi everyone and Linda who asked

regarding the feathered 'hats'
>> What did other viewers think?

> Yes, what did other viewers think ?

I do not have tv, and even if so, would not have watched this wedding -
but the photo of the principals was on my home page news, and an enticing
link to a feature on the feathers, with one photo - I thought the new Mrs.
Charles looked really elegant (I confess I wondered what system of corsets
she might have used - *I* would like to look as good). I for one was
impressed she'd got good advice about her hair. I thought the swirl of
feathers she wore as headgear was stylish and flattering - however,
hearing that the ends were weighted with crystals made me think quite
possibly they'd bob around as she moved, which I'd find irritating to

I then went to another link where some of the extreme feathered attire of
the guests was described, but the only photo was of Zara, who chose to
wear a dark fedora. I thought *she* looked stylish and elegant, just the
same - a youthful protest against the frippery, no doubt - go youth.

As I can't think of anything else that might be considered 'nice' about C
& C, I won't say anything more...

bye for now
Bev in Sooke, BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins

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