I am a little naive when it comes to finding out how to save on various items 
but this week I felt quite proud of myself.  My connection charge for DSL went 
up at the end of my year long contract with SBC from $26.95 to $49.95!  I saw 
in the newspaper that they will be offering a much cheaper rate to new 
connections so I called the 800 number on my bill to ask if I qualified for a 
cheaper rate.  I was told I did and that in future my bill will be reduced back 
down to the $26.95 rate and they can go back two months in the billing so I 
will receive a refund for the overpayment.  You can bet your life I will be 
watching my phone bill in a years time to see if the rate jumps up again.  So 
if you have a contract like mine make sure to check if you can get it back down 
and get a refund.  Pity I couldn't qualify for the $19.95 rate that they are 
going to offer to new customers. :-)
Are there any other agreements out there that I should be aware of?

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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