Hi Chatters, I haven't forgotten you!  I have one copy of "Torchon Lace
Purse Pendants" by Susanne Thompson to raffle off.  Here's what I wrote to

One copy of "Torchon Lace - Purse Pendants" by Susanne Thompson ISBN
1-874688-09-5.  Copies were donated to the New England Lace Group by
Rosemarie Peel and they were for sale at the recent Retreat.  It's got
patterns for 10 pendants (like bookmarks with a hole in the middle, you fold
them in half, attach the pointed ends and sides, put a chain on and you have
a necklace that's a pouch!  The 10 pendants have a different pattern on each
side so you could make lots of different ones.  I don't do BL but it does
look like a good book for a beginner or more advanced lace maker.  I'll pick
the winner on June 18th.

Here's Rosemarie's website: www.lacet-pubs.demon.co.uk  where there is
probably more information.

To enter the raffle send me a direct e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Torchon
raffle" in the subject line.  I'll mail anywhere in the world. There is no
cost it's just fun for me to do and I sure get a lot of mail <G>.

Jane in Vermont, USA where a thunderstorm passed earlier and cooled things

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