Hi everyone, nice subject line, T.

I mailed this to my other self so I could cut and paste easily. And have
mailed it back again to post to chat (where I feel comfortable nattering
on and hope that those who aren't remotely interested have now deleted, or
scrolled through...rather than waste space on lace)  - these are stolen
moments, as I am employed for the next while where my time isn't my own -
but after it's over, I shall have some bargaining power towards new toys
(or perhaps a lace conference or two somewhere in this world.. unless the
$ is bespoke by something less interesting)

T's last bit to my last bit:

>>> Despite that it is a moot topic, I just thought I'd mention it
>Well, actually...  "Moot" means "debatable, undecided", not something
>on which the conclusion is already foregone. The law school at our U

yes of course - except I don't think in the absolute of which you
describe. I would  point out there are other (lace) worlds out there ;)

>Just as having to remember to check a message board for messages -
>instead of having them shipped directly to my inbox - makes it a step

you have the option to subscribe to a particular thread, with the click of
a button, and unsubscribe (also with a click) the minute you're no longer
interested - you are notified by e-mail when new messages have been posted
since your last visit. Newbies (and oldbies) can read threads to find
previously discussed information, and you can cut and paste essential bits
into, for instance, a text document in your own computer, for referral

>hassle. Also because the messages which would have been
>interesting/amusing had they landed in my box automatically, were not
>all that interesting when I had to seek them out.

a shame that the interesting dynamics as on this board were lacking. But
they do try, and I note there have been some postings since I was last

>The moment your lace-topia (my lace-nightmare <g>) arrives, I'm outa

but you should visit first - how else would you know what it's like?

>Which, I'm sure, would please many, who find me "past due
>date", because of my acidity.

LOL I think you are sweet, actually - but opinionated <vbg>

>a text-only, e-mail list. She *had*, BTW, started Arachne as a message
>board list; it flopped...
ah, I missed that, because I didn't join until arachne was at least 6
months underway -  but that was then, and this is now - back 'then'
(where are we at, 10 years of arachne?!) the message board software was
probably not as easy to use. Now there are quite a few programs to
choose from - supposing one undertook to manage it (etc.).
At this point, I'm not about to, so there ;)

bye for now
Bev in Sooke, BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)

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