On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 08:33:38 +0100, Jean wrote:
>A couple of years ago, a very kind lady t an ISP set anothr list up for us, 
>but no-one went over to it.
At the time this surprised me, because I can see that having a repository
for pictures has advantages.  However I think I've worked out why.  Arachne
has always been a text email list.  Amongst those who are interested in lace
messages, the ones who positively like text tend to stay on arachne a lot
longer than those who would prefer web based messages.  There must be
lacemakers who would prefer html email, pictures and web based mail, but I
bet few of them stay.

Bev, to get what you want you need to find these people and get enough
interest to make a web based message board viable as well as arachne.  Most
of the arachne membership would stay because they prefer text,  some would
join a web based group as well but I don't think all that many would leave
the email list.
The test of a vocation is the love of the drudgery it involves. 
Logan Pearsall Smith
Steph Peters, Manchester, England

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