Hi Jeri et al,

I have followed the thread with a great deal of interest - despite feeling
that none of my lace will be of heirloom quality, I would never have the
nerve to use adhesives of any kind on my lace, but wonder if anyone can
answer a question - not specifically for me, as I don't and won't use glues,
but a student talked to Vivienne Walton about ending lace with adhesives on
the knots ...

Vivienne sells the glue-stuff - Fray-Check I think - and does recommend it
heartily if one doesn't like doing sewings, and my student was telling the
others in the class about this miracle stuff.   Thankfully, they did ask my
opinion, and I truthfully told them that I have never used it, and wouldn't
want to try, just in case ...  but a couple of them were very taken by the
idea.   So - does anyone know how long it has been around, and if there are
any adverse reports so far.   And how long could it be before something
nasty happens to the colour of the lace???   I know that Vivienne uses it on
her items, and they look beautiful, so I do wonder if there could be any
danger in using it - as I think there possibly could be!

Thanks for your help ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK.

Subject: Re: [lace] Adhesives & Blue Vanishing Pen Inks

> > > made turned deep amber brown on the parts where I "reinforced" my
> > > with fabric glue.
> >

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