- will this be for all
> four years or just for a semester or two?

She is third year at Melbourne University in Victoria, and is on study
exchange for the second semester.

My son leaves for university at
> the end of this month, but mercifully it will only be 4 hours drive away.
> Originally he was talking of returning to England for uni, but has decided
> to stay in the Midwest.

4 hourts is a good compromise to England...*g*
> I hope your daughter is too excited to worry about being away from home,
> that you learn to cope with her absence

I think she is having a great time and I will fine once she settles in
Charlottesville. I think it is just the best opportunity. One that I never
had. I can't wait till it is me going through those big doors at the

Cheers, Yvonne. In rainy central Victoria Australia.

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