> By the time my mom could rush me to the hospital I had stopped 
> breathing, my heart had stopped and I was turning blue, so she told
> me. 
> Needless to say I lived (duh) but was terribly allergic to all
> bee/wasp 
> venom from then on. 

i am so sorry.  i think that is terrible.  that would be like having
your whole childhood taken away not being able to play outside any more
without so much precaution.  i would have been scared i wouldn't have
gone out at all.  you are so lucky to be here today.

i have a similar story that was not funny at all about a guy here in
tennessee that got into a car accident.  he didn't get into a bad
accident and would have been hardly hurt, but the car window got
smashed when he slammed into a tree and the tree had a bees nest of
some kind built in it.  he was stung so many times and he didn't have a
way to the hospital that he never had a chance. he didn't die from the
crash, only from the bee stings.

all the modern inventions in the world still can't stop mother nature. 
she is still the worst killer.  

from susan in tennessee,u.s.a.

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