Joy writes
<Which is why some kangaroos have faces like deer, leave deer turds on
walkways, and jump out in front of cars just like deer.  Don't taste much like
venison, though, and I haven't heard of them invading suburban gardens to eat
the tomato plants.

In drought times, in country areas like ours, kangaroos will invade gardens
and eat EVERYTHING (including roses, let alone tomato plants).

But no, they don't taste like venison.   Kangaroo meat is very, very lean,
no fat at all, and not much taste to talk of.  Of course, there is always
kangaroo tail soup - a bit like stone soup, it's all the other things you add
that gives it any real flavour.

I have tasted venison (in New Zealand).   I wasn't over impressed.  And
they also minced it and served it in patties like hamburgers - my son
called them Bambi Burgers and put everyone off them.

Noelene in Cooma

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