At 08:25 AM 9/9/2005, you wrote:
. He asked each of them if they had any intention of removing the bodies, but no, it was not part of their job statement!!!!!!!!!

We've probably had more coverage than went out around the world, but no one hears everything, or even all the facts behind an action. Admittedly, there were gross errors in action at the federal level, and probably state and local.

The quoted statement does not give a time line. During the first days, the edict went out from the people in charge to help the survivors **first** and deal with the bodies later. "Not part of their job statement" may not have been the best expression of their direct orders --at that time!.

It is a disaster that will take years to recover from. It will permanently affect many lives. Hopefully, people will learn from it, and be better prepared when the next hurricane comes. Hurricanes will keep coming, year after year. There's no way to stop them, or control them. People need to respect that, and have plans in effect to deal with them -- or other types of disasters. Let's hope the hindsight of this disaster becomes the foresight for future ones.

Meanwhile, ordinary people are doing what they can. People around here who have relatives in the affected area are bringing them here, and setting them up with new homes, etc. Oregon had a shelter set up to take 1000 people, but the Red Cross couldn't find people willing to go this far from their home state. They'd rather stay in the mob in Houston. We had to close the shelter, unused.
Idaho did take in 70 hospital patients, I heard.

However, we are sending money in droves through the established relief agencies to aid the people there. We're too far away to send 'stuff' because of the cost, and it would bog down the shipping services. And the Northwest Medical Teams are there, working.

As you all know, there's usually more happening that meets the eye. Especially when broadcast by the media. They'll focus on one aspect, and many other things are ignored. Please take reports with a grain of salt, and know there's another side to the story.

The latest report is that they think there will be fewer deaths than first predicted.
We'll have to wait to hear, after the cadaver dogs have located all the bodies.

Alice in Oregon

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