Carol et al,

I know I, for one, in this country - the UK - can't quite grasp the size of
the United States, and the individual States themselves.   I don't think we
should be criticising the relief work, and the not clearing up of the
bodies.  If England were completely flooded like that - and not just
flooded, but with the water continuing to pour into the flooded areas from
the rivers and lakes whose perimeters had been breached - it would more than
likely take a jolly sight longer than a day or two to get persons marshalled
to start the rescue work, even if they were only coming from Wales, Ireland
and Scotlamd!    At least with the tsunami, the water came in, and then went
away again in very short order - in the Gulf States, there was water what -
20 to 25 foot of water continually, which wasn't going down much, as far as
I could see from the news bulletins.   And certainly, if I was one of those
left clinging to rooftops or anything else which had a chance of floating to
keep me alive, I would be a tad miffed if the dead were recovered before I
was - just in case I very soon became one of the dead!

However, what I am wondering at, is the pledge to rebuild, 'just as it was'.
It seems a little silly to me to rebuild areas, and re-inhabit areas, which
are going to be in the path of even more and even stronger hurricanes (as a
result of global warming), are below sea-level, and protected just by levees
which didn't hold this time!   I wonder also whether people will want to
return to live somewhere where they have experienced such devastation - I
think I would be one who would get to the highest ground, and furthest from
the Gulf states, just in case ...   But no doubt they will get the biggest
brains in the country to sort all the logistics out - but I am sure it will
take many months indeed, if not years, to do so.

But - my hearts go out to all those who have suffered in any way at all, and
my admiration for those involved in the rescue work knows no bounds - they
all deserve thanks and praise.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carol Melton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lace Chat" <>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 7:36 PM
Subject: [lace-chat] Katrina devastaion

> Dear David,
> The devastation left in Katrina's wake stretches over 90,000 square
> miles (144,834 square kilometers)
> United Kingdom: 93,788 square miles (242,910 square kilometers)
> England: 50,356 square miles (130,423 square kilometers)
> New Orleans has a land area of 197 square miles.

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