> The one I have found that I don't like (sorry Bev, I think it was) is
> rooibos.

LOL I didn't like it either until I read
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency :))

I agree with Janice, rooibos (or bush tea) doesn't taste nice in a blend.
A blend of bush tea with lemongrass is still on my shelf :(

Not into chocolate drinks, too cloying. Give me a dark choc. semi-sweet
bar any time though - preferably with coffee to wash it down. V. decadent.

Chinese tea in small cups with Chinese food, always ;)

Have no opinion of cats vs. dogs. If I had a pet I would be glad I don't
have to mix beverages for it LOL

bye for now
Bev in Sooke, BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins

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