My new email address is:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My old server dropped all DSL service, so I had to get a new server.  We went 
directly with Verizon instead of a second party server because it was more 
economical.  I hope it works out.
I still learning this new email program.  It's a bit frustrating at times.  
Messages can still be received at the old address for a week or two, but I'm 
trying to notify people before the time is up.
Lacewise -- Our local lace group has been meeting in a free community room 
owned by a local bank.  As a Thank You for this privilege, we are making lace 
Christmas Ornaments for them.  They will be collected at our next meeting, and 
presented along with a Thank You letter.  We hope the bank will continue to let 
us meet there next year.  It's a beautiful room.  We just have to be sure we 
don't leave any pins in the carpet.
Alice in Oregon (previously [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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