A helpful experiment from Dr. Science, on the Net (where else?)

Dear Doctor Science,
My home computer sits idly in the corner, sometimes. How can I modify
it so it will brew a decent cup of coffee?

-- Todd Warden from Los Angeles, CA

Chances are you're not looking at a home computer sitting idle in the
corner, but a coffee maker. Today's modern coffee makers do bear a
strong resemblance to computers, and you're probably not the first
confused user to mistake one for the other. A good experiment to
establish the identity of the appliance in the corner involves filling
the basket just under the top with coffee grounds, then pouring cold
water into the grill on top. If the fuses blow and you end up with a
floppy disc covered with coffee grounds, you're on the wrong track. But
if, moments later, you find yourself enjoying a fresh brewed cup of
coffee, well then, my hunch was correct. Good luck!
- Dr. Science

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