Gentle Spiders, 


Big changes on the horizon for me.  DH accepted a job in sunny California so
we will be moving from New England to the South San Francisco Bay area this


Could you please check your address books and eradicate all mentions of my
email addresses "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", I will be
leaving my job at New England Research Institutes soon and I'd hate to miss
anyone's email.  They will not be forwarding ANY email.


My home email "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" will be my main email from here on out, even
after (and during) the move.  For those of you who have phone numbers for
me, please use my cell phone from now on.



Lace in Peace, 


Laurie J Hughes
Metro Boston, Massachusetts

Bobbin lace, social history, gardening
"When I grow up I want to be a housewife."

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