I thought I would let  people on the list know how some buisnesses are coping 
in the midlands (England) where the floods have been
or still are.  My daughter lives in Worcester, the company she works for has 
had no water since the floods.  The management have
bought water for the staff, they have hired portable toilets for the men.  The 
women  if they live where they have water, they take
empty plastic bottles home and fill them up to take to work the next day so 
they can flush the women's toilets, plus wash their


Where I live in Berkshire, we had floods before the midlands last Friday week, 
we had some of our grandson's friends sleeping in our
house that night as they could not get home, some live in small villages, one 
lived in our town, yet could not get home, there was
only one road passable out of town, no public transport such as buses or 
trains, even our train station was flooded.  The entrance
to our road was flooded, so we stayed home for the next 48 hours.  We were 
lucky we had electricity and water. Our daughter has a
house where the garden goes down to the Kennet & Avon Canal, it was 1 inch from 
over flowing, her house would have flooded as the
canal is three feet higher than her garden.  Our prayers were answered, we were 


Jean in Berkshire, where we are hoping there will be no more floods, not only 
here but the rest of England and Wales.

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