On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 19:35:38 -0800 (PST), Janice wrote:

>Neat.  I also liked the Knitting Update with Steph. 
>What is the name of the needle set you purchased and where did you get it from 
>in the US?
Knit Picks.
I would rather have bought from the UK distributor, but they were out of
stock at the time.

Now I'm wishing that the Harmony wooden needles were available as straights,
since going back to metal needles after those is horrible.  Had to go buy a
bamboo pair to use on a short scarf with lots of balls of yarn in different
colours, where the circulars get in the way.

>My friends were knitting the mobius scarves a few years ago but I could not 
>get my head around it.   
Neither could I until I made them.

Money can't buy everything. That's what credit cards are for.
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