>Another thought is that the old cat might enjoy teaching the 
>youngster to hunt (a skill usually passed from queen to kitten, but 
>often lacking in a cat if its parents were brought up indoors, or if 
>it was taken from the queen too early), while at the same time being 
>able to sit back and watch the youngster do the energetic bit!

This cat's first reaction to a mouse (many, many years ago) was to 
pursue it when it came up the basement stairs, corner it at the foot 
of the stairs to the second floor --- and back off in terror when it 
began to squeak in alarm!  She was born in a townhouse across the 
street from me, and to my knowledge has only killed one mouse in all 
her 20 years. Since she's not noticing the mice now, and spends her 
entire day asleep on either the recliner, my husband's lap, or mine, 
she's beyond teaching anyone something she was never much interested 
in or talented at, alas.

When we moved here in 1987, our original cat zoomed out the door, not 
to be seen again for two months (the humane society called me the day 
before she was scheduled to be put down - they didn't pair her 
picture up with her quickly). A month into her absence, my friends 
for my birthday gave me this 9-week-old kitten (whom I'd first met at 
age 3 hours, when she went to sleep in my hand for 20 minutes!). When 
the old cat came back, never again would she sleep on our bed - she 
abandoned that to the new cat. On the other hand, only ONE lap in the 
living room could be occupied, and only by the old cat (10 at the 
time). That older cat lived another 9 years, but the two of them 
never did care for each other. We had what we called "cat wars" - mad 
chases around the house from time to time, nasty swipes at the 
passing cat on the floor from the one on the piano bench, etc. I 
really don't want to do that to this one at this stage.

I'm actually allergic to cats, but they do great things for my blood 
pressure and general attitude; I would like to get from the humane 
society what they call a "Purrfect Pair" - that is, a pair of cats 
that has been living together and would like to be adopted together, 
but that's a lot to ask poor Snuggles (sorry - I didn't name her!) to 
endure. I've been giving her special kidney-function kibbles, and cat 
vitamins+nutritional supplement - but she's still gone from being 
over 11 pounds down to about six and a half, and now even after I 
wipe her down with the cat shampoo and tease out the kitty dreadlocks 
(never had to do that when she could groom herself!), her coat is 
dulling. When she jumps down from a lap, her hindquarters give out. 
It's just a matter of time before she's history - but she still knows 
when it's food time, and when I should be in my prayer chair!
Martha Krieg   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  in Michigan
Martha Krieg   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  in Michigan

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