Heard on the radio.....

A blonde dies and goes up to Heaven. She knocks on the Pearly Gates. St Peter explains to her that it's really busy at the moment and says that she must prove that she is worthy of coming into heaven.

The blonde asks what she should do. St Peter explains that he will ask her three questions. She must go away for 24 hours and think carefully about the answers.

"Ok" says the blonde.  "What are the questions?"

"Right" says St Peter.

"1.   How many days in the week begin with a T?"
"2.  How many seconds are there in a year?"
"3.  What is the name of the Swagman in the song Waltzing Matilda?"

The blonde goes away to think.......

24 hours later the blonde is sitting on a cloud waiting for St Peter.

"Have you got the answers to the questions already?" asks St Peter.

'Yes" says the blonde.

"Ok" says St Peter. "Please can I have the answer to the first question, the one about how many days in the week begin with a T?"

"Well" says the blonde "that was tricky, but the answer is 2"

"Correct " says St Peter.  "Incidentally what are they?"

"Today and Tomorrow" says the blonde.

St Peter hides behind an angel to smile.

"The second question, about how many seconds are in a year. Have you got the answer to that one?" he asks

"Yes", says the blonde.... "12"

"12?" says St Peter, "How do you make it 12?"

"2nd January, 2nd February, 2nd March....."

"OK, what about the third question.... What was the name of the Swagman?"

"Andy" says the blonde.

"Andy?" says St Peter.... "How do you get Andy?"

"Andy sang, Andy watched, Andy waited till his billy boiled....."

Do you think she got in??


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