I am positively amazed that you were able to figure out what that gremlin was doing!!! When my computer misbehaves, it's always a mystery to me!! (Like now... when the "D" key doesn't work most of the time, and I've developed a habit of hitting it harder than other keys... so that when it *does* work (as it is doing this morning...) I sometimes get a string of "Ds" instead of just one...


Jane Partridge wrote:
In message <43bc20aa62d71ef988247949d185e...@rockbridge.net>, Tamara P Duvall <t...@rockbridge.net> writes
(Am I the only one who got four copies of this message?)

No, I got 4 copies also; Jane must be super happy with the baby and no
wonder :)

Congratulations, Jane!

Thanks - he is settling in well, and thankfully will take a bottle (his sister, who is 2 today, wouldn't - Jenny had no option but to breast feed her until she was about a year old and was dreading the same happening again!). Think I'd rather have him than his mother though - she was a "Wednesday's Child" (full of woe) and still is!!!

I think I can explain the multi-message problem - I sent it just before we went out today (by which time it was still in the outbox) but last night had attempted to email a photo to my sister and brother. Large file, despite being zipped, refused to co-operate and so when I sent the message to the list it was "in transit" and couldn't be stopped. So I turned the monitor off and left it to it. Got home to find that it had finally gone, but four copies of the message I sent to the list in my "chat" folder. I suspect it took the mail program several attempts to send the larger file, and this one got caught up in the mayhem. Apologies to all for appearing to be over-enthusiastic - it wasn't me, it was the gremlin in the computer - honest!!!!!

Have now uploaded the photos to an album (which also wouldn't co-operate at 1am) so won't need to send any more large emails to relatives.

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