Hi All,  DH got a bunch of edible chestnuts a couple weeks ago.  THe spiny
pods opened up to reveal the brown nuts.  Then he broke some open and has
been eating the raw ones and giving me some.

A couple days ago I tried roasting a bunch of them, hence the adventure.  I
poked the holes with a fork and put them in the oven as suggested by Joy of
Cooking.  I started with 15 minutes and should have left it at that!  About
a quarter of them burst!!  And of course the bits burnt in the oven so I was
waving a towel and put the fan in the window to get the smoke out.  (We have
VERY loud smoke detectors!!)

I ate some of the roasted ones and I still don't like them very much.  They
are so mealy in texture.  DH is still eating them.  I do like the delicate
flavor but I had expected something crunchy.

How are they put into stuffing?  Any chestnut suggestions from anyone?

Jane in Vermont, USA where the leaves are changing color - lots of butter
yellow and glowing orange!

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