I carried a man's linen handkerchief in my back pocket until
it wore through at the folds.  Though it's of no further use
for cleaning glasses, I hated to throw it out -- nobody
pulls flax up by the roots these days, and if any of the
machines that can spin line flax are still around, they are
in museums.

Then I remembered that I know a few people who can put small
bits of fine linen to good use.  If you want it, send your
snail address to joybee...@comcast.net.  If I get more than
one request, I'll draw a name out of a hat.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the snow is gone, the ice is going,
and daffodils are ankle high.

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