I wrote this in response to a post on Lace, decided not to send it until I'd caught up on my reading in case somebody else said it better, then when I did catch up, I had completely forgotten the thread.


Those who say that the Golden Rule states that you ought to
give your favorite treat to someone who is allergic to it
haven't thought it through.

What you would *like* is for someone who plans to bake a
cake for you to first find out what you like, and what makes your windpipe swell shut. When in doubt, *ask*.

I would love for passing strangers to weed and dead-head my
lilies, but I never touch anyone else's plants without
asking whether he minds -- I wouldn't want passing strangers
to pull up weedy-looking plants I've been nursing along, or
to snip off faded blooms when I planned to save the seeds.

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where summer has settled in.
(but I'm not sure which summer!)

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