On 10/21/10 12:43 PM, Clay Blackwell wrote:

DH would rather have a root canal than go to the mall, and I avoid it if at all possible!

My dentist told me that I enjoyed my root canal very much --
and added that if he'd known how I would react to the gas,
he would have made a video to show to other patients who
were considering the procedure.

I consider going to a mall a social event -- it's been years
since I found anything I wanted to buy in one.  Malls seem
to consist entirely of clothing shops; for about twenty
years I've been looking around at all the thriving clothing
stores and saying "doesn't anybody know about washing

It doesn't help that ten years ago I moved to a town that
doesn't have malls.  We do have shopping centers; the one
strung out along the east road has been looking sick ever
since Wal*Mart moved onto the north road, and all the new
shops are going up in Wal*Mart's neighborhood.

This change was rather annoying; I can easily get to the
eastern sprawlmart on my bike, but have to go through the
entire town (or around robinhood's barn) to get to the
northern sprawlmart, and the northern road has no possible
alternatives, so it's crowded.  Not a lot in the way of
intersections, though.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where we've had our first frost,
but it seems to have missed the peppers.

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